A Bass Strait Crossing 2001


We drove from Melbourne down to Tidal River on Wilson's Promontory. We were a little dismayed at the national parks fees and the huge numbers of campers that arrived on Friday night

Matt preparing

Thanks to members of the Victorian Sea Kayaking Club, John Hynman and Ray Musgrave and a friend of Jamie's we were soon enjoying a few beers while we started to unpack and repack all out gear for the trip..

Ian,plastic bag man

Ian, "plastic bag man" soon had all his gear in a heap ready to see if it would all fit in his Greenlander sea kayak. We noticed a few luxury items creeping in, like olives.

Sails up

Next morning, watched by a relatively large crowd of people, we floated our loaded kayaks down the river to the sea. Weather conditions weren't brilliant but we were eager to get away.

Fenwicks Bight

Soon we had all sails up and headed south down the prom towards Wattle Island. The wind assisted us but as we rounded the point short steep irregular waves slowed us down.

Approaching Wilsons Prom

We headed into Fenwicks Bight hoping that we could land and stretch our legs. Unfortunately the tide was high and the small beach underwater, so we sat in our kayaks and had a quick drink and snack.

Mick  landing on Swan Island

Off again we could now see the lighthouse on the tip of Wilsons Promontory. The waves were quite large and with a following sea we surfed and sailed along quite oblivious to the fact that a couple of days earlier some NSW female paddlers had capsized here and had a few nervous moments re entering kayaks befor heading back to Oberon Bay

Ian managed to capsize just after going around the point. Gusty down draughts caught him unawares. He climbed back in unaided as were were all off infront scooting along before the wind. A lesson in group management that we were to become aware of again later on in the trip.

Finally we cruised into Little Waterloo Bay to meet up with John and Ray who had walked over from Tidal River.

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