Club Information Sea kayaks along the south coast of Tasmania Tasmania logo
        flash Photo Gallery Click on pictures and map for information.         flash Bass Strait
Albatross Island
Flinders Island
Swan Island
West Coast
Maria Island
Macquarie Harbour
Maatsuyker Island
Pirates Bay
Sea Kayaking
Sails New Spinnaker
Sea Kayaking
Sea kayaking trips in Tasmania Albatross Island Trip Flinders Island Trip Swan Island Trip Maria Island Trip Pirates Bay Trip Maatsuuyker Island Trip Macquarie Harbour Trip West Coast Trip Tasmania the Island State Profile of Jeff Jennings flash
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These pages contain many images digitized from sea kayaking DVD's flash New BluRay DVD's


Tasmania is a relatively small island state, 200km south of the rest of Australia. With a diverse coastline, ranging from drowned river valleys to sweeping sandy beaches, it is a sea kayakers' paradise.
A number of off shore islands, often in strong tidal currents, make sea kayaking even more interesting. Some parts of the island are exposed to the might of the Southern Ocean and Roaring Forties winds. Other parts are relatively calm and sheltered.
Tasmanian sea kayakers have developed equipment and techniques suited to paddling in exposed waters. Some of these initiatives have now spread around the world.
In these pages you will be able to visit some of Tasmania's prime sea kayaking areas. I hope this might encourage some of you to visit these areas in the future. In the meantime I hope you enjoy these pictures.

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All Images Copyright Jeff Jennings

Last updated 01/06/2013