Club Information

A Personal Profile

Photo of Jeff Jennings

& some Sea Kayaking links

I have been sea kayaking since 1979 and a keen photographer well before that. I live at Bridport, a small seaside town in North East Tasmania . My wife, Bev is a Communication consultant. We have two grown up children, Chris and Sarah.
It has been seven years since I retired from teaching at Scottsdale High School. I still go on their Outdoor Education camps especially the Survival camp. The school has an extensive 4 year Outdoor Education Programme. All students take part in this programme which culminates in a 5 day "Survival Camp" in year 10. At present I am Commodore of the Maatsuyker Canoe Club.

Since I retired I have been sea kayaking in many overseas locations including New Zealand, Thailand, Fiji, Croatia, the Greek Island of Milos as well as trips in Australia including Hinchinbrook Island, Whitsundays, Eden to Mallacoota and a circumnavigation of Kangaroo is in South Australia. Next year, 2008, we are going to cross Bass Strait again.

In recent years I have been making DVD's on a range of subjects, mainly to do with outdoor activities including the many sea kayaking trips by the Maatsuyker Canoe Club. These include:

Pictures of the video covers can be seen here
All DVD's cost A$35 plus $10 airmail postage to anywhere in the world. $5 for airmail in Australia. Note these are PAL DVD's and will therefore have to be converted to NTSC or SECAM.

Links to other Sea Kayaking pages


Tasmanian Sea Kayaking

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