Sea Kayaking Gear

A Greenlander Sea Kayak

designed by Adrian Dean

Gear for a two week trip This is enough food and supplies for a two week trip. In Tasmania, water is available at campsites. Heavier gear is in the rear. The cockpit has snacks, video battery, drinks and sunburn cream either behind the seat or in a "glove box" under the deck. Greenlander cockpit
Rear hatch gear Rear compartment:
video gear, Trangia + fuel, lunch box, tent, sleeping bag, dried food, fire lighting kit, food, Coke!
Front compartment: Cameras, sleeping mat, shoes, fruit, first aid kit, clothes, snacks/soups, water, repair kit, small back pack. Front hatch gear
Greenlander rudder Most expedition sea kayaks in Tasmania have a retractable rudder. This is essential in windy conditions. Electric bilge pumps, requiring little maintenance are useful when you need both hands to paddle or support. Electric bilge pump

Video Gear Used for Sea Kayaking Videos

I now use two Sony mini DV video cameras. The Sony DCRPC101and the older DSRPC1. The auto focus on the newer camera is not as good but has a better overall picture/sound. The video camera is kept in a splash proof housing. This is waterproof to 2m. I also have a Sea & Sea underwater housing for the PC1 but this is heavy and bulky for above water shots. It does allow wide angle lenses to be used.
Videos are edited in a Dell Precision computer with twin P3 processors and a Canopus Storm editing card. Software include Premier 6 and Storm Edit. I also have a Pioneer DVD burner. I use a Sony DSCT1digital still camera in a waterproof housing for still shots.

Tasmanian Sea Kayaking

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