| Next morning we set off on the long haul back to Strahan about 24km away. The weather was now overcast and quite cool. This side of the harbour was once quite a bustling settlement with ships taking people and supplies to and from Strahan and Teepookana, a mining community. |
 | A flock of black swans passed close by. The juveniles still couldn't fly as they had not grown a full complement of feathers. We didn't want to chase them but it was amazing how far they stayed infront of us before veering off to the side. |
 | We were now approaching the King River. Upstream from here is the large copper mine at Queenstown. The Mt Lyell mine has been operating since the 1880's and has heavily polluted the King River which flows out into Macquarie Harbour. Here it stains the water a dark brown. |
 | When the products from the mines were taken to Strahan by rail, this was a bustling port.Today the wharf is in decay although their are plans to rebuild the wharf and railway as a tourist attraction. |
 | Finally we arrived back at the beach we had started from in the dark two days ago. It had been a good trip with a variety of challenges and experiences. All that remained was the five hour drive back to civilisation! |