Circumnavigation of Maria Island

Sailing across Reidle Bay

As we set off across Riedle Bay, a sea breeze developed and we hoisted sails. It is posible to portage across the narrow, sandy isthmus to the western side of the island from here but we were going to circumnavigate the islands this time.

Mick in Whalers Cove

Mick still wasn't feeling 100% as we cruised into Whalers Cove. This is a fairly remote part of Maria Island as the steep slopes make walking access difficult.The famous Tasmanian photographer, Olegas Truchanas, spent his honeymoon here.

Landing in Whalers Cove

The entrance to this sheltered campsite is quite narrow. In the 1820's a bay whaling station was established in this area and at Haunted Cove where we had lunch. we were all looking forward to a quiet evening around the campfire.

Whalers Cove

The tide was out when we arrived but it was no trouble to pull the kayaks up above the high water mark. The kayaks were tied up to trees, just in case of that extra high tide.

Mick cooking

A hearty meal was atop priority for most of us. Unlike Laurie who had his usual Sao biscuits and peanut butter. There was plenty of firewood and by lighting the fire on the beach we reduced the chance of any wildfires. We feel that with common sense and care canoeists should be able to enjoy the warmth and comfort of a nice fire.

The AGM, Whalers Cove

After the meal we had our annual general meeting. This involved electing new club officers and planning the next years' programme. We always hold our meetings on trips as it discourages "armchair" paddlers from dominating the club.

Around the fire

We sat around the fire yarning and recounting the events of past trips. The warm summer evening gradually darkened and we layback on the beach gazing up at the brilliant stars and southern Cross.

Toby setting off

A relatively early start saw Mick deciding to pull out of the trip around the northern part of the island. He was still unwell and decided to portage across McRaes' Isthmus and head home. We waved farewell as we paddled out of the cove.

Laurie at Cape des Tombeaux

The sea was still calm as the sun pierced the clouds. We were headed for Darlington on the north western side of the island. In front of us was Cape des Tombeaux, where Peron had first discovered an aboriginal burial place.

Mistaken Cape

As we rounded Mistaken Cape the mountains Bishop and Clark came into view. For the next 16km it would be nearly impossible to land because of steep cliffs. We were looking forward to exploring the many caves along this stretch of the coast

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