A Trip to Swan Island

Swan Island caretakers

Some years later another couple invited us in for a delicious feed of freshly made cakes and percolated coffee. Previously they had run a restaurant in Victoria. They had come to the island to "recharge their batteries".

 Swan Island Lighthouse

Later we strolled over to the lighthouse which was now automated. This lighthouse was one of the earliest built in Australia as it marked the entrance to treacherous Banks Strait between Tasmania and Flinders Island.

 Ruins on Swan Island

This was could have been the view the Rev. Fairey got of the lighthouse in 1879. He was the first sea canoeist to visit the island. This ruin was probably the first lighthouse keepers quarters.

Mick cooking tea

Back on the beach we started cooking tea over the trusty Trangia. It was a warm summers evening and the days quite long.

 Eliza Baudinet's grave

Later we had a look at Eliza Baudinet's grave. Rev Fairey had conducted a church service for her when he visited in 1879. She died two years after his visit to the island. The other grave belongs to a child who drowned in a shipwreck.

 Tent site

We had set up our tents on one of the tracks near the beach. although not an ideal site it was better than risking being blown away on the beach if the wind got up during the night.

 Lighthouse at night

After dark we went to the lighthouse again. According to a book on Tasmanian lighthouses the light was supposed to be unusual in that it rotated anti clockwise. Our inspection seemed to contradict this.

Jeff eating breakfast

Next morning was again fine and mild. We had breakfast on the beach before planning our return trip. Mick decided to circumnavigate the island while the rest had a more leisurely plan.

Toby's holey thermal

Toby doesn't believe in throwing anything away. In fact he often comes back from kayaking trips with more than he went with. His holey thermal was prompted some appropriate comments.

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